Human Resources

Top 5 Complaints About Human Resource Department and How to Overcome Them

HR is usually the first port of call for complaints around the business but what if the complaint is about HR itself? Let’s take a look at the top five complaints and how to overcome them. 1: HR does not understand the business Having a basic understanding of each business department will go a long way in better understanding how [...]

By |2021-01-25T14:45:27-05:00October 4th, 2018|HR Articles|Comments Off on Top 5 Complaints About Human Resource Department and How to Overcome Them

Winning Strategies to Ace An Onsite Interview

Congratulations!  A potential employer has reviewed your resume and likes it.  You have successfully completed your phone interview and now have been invited in for a face-to-face onsite interview.  What do you need to do to ace the onsite interview and get an offer?  I have laid out some strategies below which should increase your odds of receiving an offer [...]

By |2021-02-04T15:56:32-05:00March 27th, 2018|HR Articles, News, Recruiting, Recruiting Articles|Comments Off on Winning Strategies to Ace An Onsite Interview


As the owner of a boutique recruiting firm, I am constantly approached by a variety of vendors who tell me that their new product will revolutionize recruiting. Everything from using algorithms to monitor candidates’ social media postings to creative ways of finding and sourcing passive candidates. While all this sounds wonderful, does it really work for all the extra cost? [...]

By |2021-02-19T12:13:27-05:00January 9th, 2018|HR Articles, Recruiting Articles|Comments Off on RECRUITING AUTOMATION: HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH?


I updated the analysis (previously done on January 21, 2016 and March 24, 2016) using jobs posted within 100 miles of Philadelphia PA (MAS Recruiting’s office location) and then broke the jobs down by salary level. I gathered my data from jobs posting on Indeed and LinkedIn; two of the most popular job posting sites. Here is the new June [...]

By |2021-03-18T17:21:09-05:00January 9th, 2018|HR Articles, Recruiting Articles|Comments Off on UPDATED JOB MARKET STATISTICS (JUNE 2016)
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