work performance

Ways to Prevent Employee Burnout

Burnout is usually taken to mean someone hopelessly overwhelmed by their job. There are other aspects to consider. Cynicism just is one of them. An employee suffering from burnout is unlikely to care about the job he or she is meant to perform. When an employee stops caring, they stop trying, which typically leads to ineffectiveness and inefficiency, as well [...]

By |2020-01-22T14:39:11-05:00June 6th, 2019|HR Articles, News, Recruiting, Recruiting Articles|Comments Off on Ways to Prevent Employee Burnout


A good self-performance review allows employees to assess their effectiveness in their areas of responsibilities by reflecting on: a) what they accomplished b) what they learned, and c) what they need to learn. When done effectively and honestly, management can use this tool to close the gap between the employee’s expected and actual performance. Most employees find self-assessments difficult because [...]

By |2021-02-19T13:44:47-05:00January 9th, 2018|HR Articles, Recruiting Articles|Comments Off on HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE SELF-PERFORMANCE REVIEW
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