It doesn’t matter who you are and even what profession you are in; when it comes to everybody’s healthcare, we all want to know that we’re receiving the best care there is.

Healthcare in the U.S. operates 24/7/365. Now, with more and more people signing up for coverage through the federal and state insurance exchanges, the question does arise: what will my healthcare quality and coverage look like in 2015?

Healthcare organizations must also deal with the new influx of uninsured patients as well, which creates difficulties for hospitals when their costs cannot be recouped.

It’s All About the Numbers

Each healthcare organization, whether be a hospital, medical center, rehabilitation or nursing home, clinics, as well as outpatient and doctor’s offices must make every effort to ascertain how many staff members they are require at present and will require in the future.

In fact, healthcare industries have a very high turnover in staffing and question remains on how can each organization keep their turnover low?
No one likes to feel that they are doing the job of three people and being paid as one person. Furthermore, staff like to feel secure about their jobs and the financial health of the institution for which they are working.

The Numbers Work Toward Job Satisfaction

So, what to do with the fact that with an increase in healthcare demand, is coming at the exact same time as the nursing profession is experiencing its own dip in employment numbers, with 55% of nurses age 50 or older?

This is precisely what is happening in healthcare today. With less people going into nursing, there is a real crisis in nursing talent that is looming into this year. This is very indicative of what is being seen in all industries across the board.

So, what to do with overcoming healthcare staffing challenges in 2015?

Organizations must recognize that healthcare individuals are in the business of “care.” Demands of time and energy on a daily basis, with potentially no downtime, is the reality of being a healthcare professional.

Bringing in core staff and having a good mix of new and seasoned professionals is the best way to meet your healthcare staffing challenges in 2015.

Strategies need to address the new numbers in healthcare today, as well as employee concerns, as viable staffing issues continue to create real demands in the world of healthcare today.