employee reviews

How to Manage Employee’s Negative Reviews

Nothing seems to count these days unless it has excellent reviews. Unfortunately, employee reviews tend to lean towards the negative end of the spectrum. This is because employees who feel wronged by a company want to vent publicly to damage the company's reputation. Businesses that have lots of negative reviews can find their brand name irreparably damaged. While you can’t [...]

By |2021-01-25T14:16:07-05:00August 28th, 2020|HR Articles|Comments Off on How to Manage Employee’s Negative Reviews

Employee Online Reviews and Their Effect on Company Branding

There is now a lot more transparency around how a business conducts itself. The internet is largely responsible for this as it has given people the opportunity to air their likes and dislikes about a company very publicly. TripAdvisor has turned the hospitality industry on its head while Yelp has local businesses clamoring for that five-star review. A massive 76 [...]

By |2021-02-16T16:36:44-05:00November 29th, 2018|HR Articles|Comments Off on Employee Online Reviews and Their Effect on Company Branding
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