Remote Workers

7 consejos para adaptarse a un mundo de contratación remota 

Today, around 62% of employees report that they have shifted to a remote work schedule.  Companies should take this into account when using remote recruitment methods. And understand the difference when it comes to different hiring practices.  In-person interviews differ from remote, which can make the recruitment process more difficult.  To help you out, here are some of the most [...]

Por |2022-07-01T13:14:49-05:001 de julio de 2022|Artículos de recursos humanos|Comentarios desactivados en 7 Tips for Adapting to a World of Remote Recruitment 

Cómo el Covid-19 y el auge del trabajo remoto están afectando la búsqueda de nuevos talentos

The combination of Covid-19 and the shift to remote working may have changed the way people live and work forever. Those with significant commute times are particularly pleased by the opportunity to work from home. We’ve already seen that most employees enjoy remote work. And for many businesses, recent events have put the remote productivity vs. on-site productivity debate to [...]

Por |2021-01-20T17:16:33-05:0011 de enero de 2021|Artículos de recursos humanos, Reclutamiento, Artículos de reclutamiento|Comentarios desactivados en How Covid-19 and the Rise of Remote Work is Affecting the Hunt For New Talent
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