
How To Execute Effective Candidate Screening

Candidate Screening

Candidate Screening

The recruitment process is an intensive task that requires thought and careful consideration. Candidate screening is one of the most vital parts of any recruitment process.

Hiring teams need to ensure that the screening and selection process is as efficient as possible. And follow the right strategies so that they hire strategically and don’t miss out on top talent.

In this guide, we’ll uncover five of the most important candidate screening methods and strategies to improve the way you hire.

What Is Candidate Screening?

The candidate screening process entails hiring managers reviewing job applications to narrow down the most suitable candidates for the position.

Candidate screening is the step in the hiring process that involves going through resumes and cover letters to find applicants who are the best possible match. This is in regards to experience, skill sets, and qualifications.

When it comes to making new hires, the candidate screening process can be time-consuming. Even with the right technology and processes to make screening applicants more efficient, hiring managers still have to sift through large volumes of applications to find the right applicant matches.

A job screening process aims to take all the applications and sort them into different categories. This will help determine the next stages in the hiring process.

Efficient Candidate Screening in Five Steps

Top talent often only stays on the market for around 10 days. So the screening job candidates process should be as efficient as possible. This is so that you avoid missing out on high-quality candidates.

Screening candidates should be prioritized so that you fill positions. This will help with productivity.

With increasing HR digital transformation, hiring teams are also getting smaller. This means that the application screening process needs to be as streamlined as possible. Here are some of the important steps to take to achieve this.

1.   Review Resumes / Screening Questionnaires

Reviewing resumes is the most commonly used strategy for candidate screening. This is an easy task when screening candidates. And it’s an effective strategy for screening applicants into broad “no” and “maybe” piles.

There are two problems with reviewing resumes. First, it takes a long time. If you only have a few applicants, hiring teams can dive deep into their resumes. However, if you have hundreds of job applicants, you won’t be able to spend much time focused on resumes in the screening process.

The other problem is that resumes don’t always offer enough information. They display the candidate’s education and experience, but this doesn’t always reflect the quality of each candidate. Soft skills, company culture fit, and the candidate’s actual ability to perform tasks cannot be determined through a resume alone.

To make this step a bet easier, create job specific questions so that when applicants applying to your job can answer such questions.  Such questionnaires can help you very quickly to find out if the applicant has the required criteria.

2.   Skills Tests

Skills testing is one of the best ways to find the right candidate. Instead of simply screening resumes, sending job applicants a test will show you their skill level.

Send candidates a skills test that relates to the job. The hiring manager will be able to evaluate how the candidate will perform.

This is especially important for remote work and remote recruitment. This is because these job trials will mirror what the candidate would do in their role.

It can help you assess many skills. This includes their writing skills, time management skills, communication skills, critical thinking, etc.

It is reported that testing a candidate’s skills can reduce hiring costs. And may result in far better-quality hires.

Sending out skills tests can also cut many candidates who don’t have the right determination and drive to take on the position.

3.   Phone Screening

Phoning a candidate during the screening process is an effective way to sift through the different candidates.

Screening interviews will give you more of a sense of the candidate’s personality and communication skills. Depending on what the job description is, this could be critical.

Random phone calls during the candidate selection process also won’t give candidates time to prepare for the interview. This could give you a more honest look into the candidate.

This method may also improve the candidate experience, as it gives candidates the chance to talk to the hiring manager and learn more about what the hiring and selection process looks like.

4.   Cover Letters

Many jobs require cover letters as well as resumes for the screening process. This is important because a cover letter provides deeper insights into the candidate’s personality, background, and reason for applying for the job.

A cover letter lets the candidate show off their writing skills, personality, and suitability for the role. While a resume might only display the candidate’s minimum qualifications, a cover letter can offer greater insights.

Reading through cover letters may be a time-consuming process, but it can be essential for finding the best possible talent.

5.   Video Interviews

Video interviews have become a key part of any hiring process. Conducting video interviews is convenient for candidates and hiring managers. It also takes up a lot less time than traditional in-person interviews.

Running quick 15-minute interviews during the screening process can give you perspective into the candidate’s communication skills, personality, and experiences.


The five strategies listed above form some of the most integral elements of candidate screening. This in turn, can greatly assist the recruitment process.

Following a robust screening process when reviewing job applications can make all the difference in the quality of the hire.

Another way to improve candidate screening is to use the right technology during the hiring process. Not only will this improve the candidate experience, but it will save time and energy – helping you find a more suitable candidate more easily.


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